// const lat: string = '55.645519'; // const long: string = '12.549600'; // interface Forecast { // [coord: string]: { // [lon: string]: number; // [lat: string]: number; // }, // [weather: string]: [ // { // [id: string]: number, // [main: string]: string, // [description: string]: string, // [icon: string]: string; // } // ], // [base: string]: string; // [main: string]: { // [temp: string]: number; // [feels_like: string]: number; // [temp_min: string]: number; // [temp_max: string]: number; // [pressure: string]: number; // [humidity: string]: number; // [sea_level: string]: number; // [grnd_level: string]: number; // }, // [visibility: string]: number; // [wind: string]: { // [speed: string]: number; // [deg: string]: number; // [gust: string]: number; // }, // [rain: string]: { // [onehour: string]: number // }, // [clouds: string]: { // [all: string]: number // }, // [dt: string]: number, // [sys: string]: { // [type: string]: number, // [id: string]: number, // [country: string]: string, // [sunrise: string]: number, // [sunset: string]: number; // }, // [timezone: string]: number; // [id: string]: number; // [name: string]: string; // [cod: string]: number; // }; interface LocationType { latitude: number; longtitude: number; } function async getForecast(location: LocationType) { const {latitude, longtitude} = location; const forecast = fetch(`https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?lat=${latitude}&lon=${longtitude}&appid=${API_key}`) return forecast } export default function Home() { return (

The weather in Sluseholmen for the next 3 days

); }